Monday, October 1, 2007

Cowboys Scandal

The cowboys "sissorgate" scandal was pretty interesting. I thought it was even more cool, that my professor had written on it. I thought the scandal was interesting because it was kept so quiet. I had never heard of the incident, and even when I told people later on about it, they did not even remember the incident. Crazy how quiet it was kept. Still so many years later, and trying to discover the truth is impossible.
The part I thought was interesting was the questioning. Was McIver paid off, or was he concerned about his career? Who will know. Was Michael Irvin the one who stabbed him? It bothers me that these questions were not answered.
Personally I am sick and tired of profession athlete's getting away with horrible stuff such as: drugs, abuse, dog fighting. I don't understand because there are plenty of people to replace them. I hope one day that someone will make a stand for whats right.

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