Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Everybody Matters

Does everybody matter?
I believe everyone does matter. When reading the book cosmopolitanism it points this out. The book feels like everyone is someone whether it is a different view than what you have. Cosmopolitanism focuses on making people realize that their are many differences in the world, but you don't have to accept but realize it is someone view. No one knows whose right or wrong, and we are all looking for that guidance to tell us. I like this point that it points out in chapter two. Your guidance is yours and might not be shared by others but understand this is okay to have different views. I feel the book so far is pointing out that everyone does matter.
What about people within corporate America's supply chains?
Your only as good as your weakest link fits this category. Everyone is important from the bottom to the top. Everyone depends or needs someone or something to make the world work. The working world relies on this theory. The bottom person might have to do manual labor and work hard to produce a product, but without that person to do manual work we would not have the product. The upper/higher person might spend more money than the bottom person does, but that makes the economy work. Without the money spent, the bottom man can not work. Everyone relies on each other. It is a revolving world this way.

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